Wildcroft Stud Stallion BP for sale Pure bred Friesians for sale About Us keuring 2015
Wildcroft Stud
Stallion BP for sale
Pure bred Friesians for sale
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keuring 2015
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The Friesian horse is the only pure bred horse native to the Netherlands. Its roots go far back in history.
The friesian horse is traceable as early as the 13th century and the Friesian horse of today still displays definite similarities with his distant ancestors. The friesian's long history and consistent breeding policy have consolidated the specific 'Friesian' characteristics. On a sturdy foundation, the Friesian horse has evolved into what it is today:

 An imposing presency in every respect.

Age B (licensed foal-book stallion)

The Friesian horse is noted for its lovable friendly
 and graciously spirited  character.
His intelligence and easy temperament. 
Friesians are most recognizable by their jet- black coats,
 fluid motion, knee and hock action, long manes 
and feathering around their feet.
All these qualities make the Friesian an unique horse that can be used for many different purposes


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